The book that I'm reviewing today is Screen by Michele Renae, the second book in the erotic trilogy, Paris Secrets. I had the pleasure of reviewing the first book, Window, in October - it was one of the first books I reviewed for this blog, and I rated it at 4.5/5 stars.
I am very happy to report that Window is on a 99 cent sale from February 14 through 17. I think that it's a fantastic erotic novel featuring something that's refreshingly different from the alpha male-BDSM scene that's so popular right now. Check it out on this weekend and grab yourself a copy - it's really a steal at 99 cents.

Swell Cat Press
Book Two in the Paris Secrets series
Published Feb 7, 2014
Source: Received from author in exchange for an honest review
Why I picked up this book:
I loved the first book in the series, Window, and had to know what happened next!
She fell willingly, seduced by the erotic foreignness of all that he was.
Words can be more powerful than touch. Stimulate and engage the senses then watch what happens...
They began a daring affair a few weeks ago, baring skin, sensual secrets—their very souls—before their bedroom windows situated across the street from one another. Now they've taken it to the next level. The laptop screen has added sound to their intimate liaisons, and his voice, that delicious French accent, is oh, so sexy. His laughter teases good shivers across her skin and his sensual commands seduces her deeper into a world of erotic play. Fantasies lure them into a new intimacy and a surprising trust that the two strangers who have never touched welcome.
Yet frustrations grow as she pines for his touch. They must meet. Soon. But a secret is revealed that will challenge their desires and the trust both have earned.
Return to the heroine's Parisian apartment as she continues her relationship with Monsieur Sexy and they explore the delicious intricacies of cyber-sex.
My thoughts:
Confession: I wanted to savour Screen. I wanted this novel to be twice as long just so I could spend extra time with our heroine and Monsieur Sexy.
I did pause after each of the first half dozen chapters to delay the inevitable race through the next one. But by the middle of the book, I couldn't maintain the slow, steady pace. I had to see how it would all turn out.
I want to underline that this is one sexy story. Entirely erotic, no sexual opportunity is overlooked - from flirtation to fantasy to sexy screen time.
I loved the way this book (and series) plays with fantasy and its many facets. It seemed to me that this entry picks up right where the first left off, exploring many common fantasies (sexual, romantic, sensual), getting to the heart of what makes fantasy so much fun. There's a playful component that makes this book a joy to read.
I was much more attuned to the attention to the senses in this book. Our heroine is interested in the scent of her lover - everyday and intimate. There's also a great attention to taste, typically as related to food. There's a lushness to these sensual details that I really appreciated and found fulfilling.
There's also emotional weight to this novel - primarily in the love affair that's brewing between our heroine and Monsieur Sexy. There's a lot of room for brooding and over thinking because of the physical space that separates the two, and the novel leverages that to great advantage - not only as fantasy fodder, but by letting the heroine experience some emotional ups and downs. I love the confidence she acknowledges developing out of the unconventional relationship. How honest is that - aren't we all a little bit more confident for knowing that we're appreciated and desired by someone?
Getting to know Monsieur Sexy at the same slow pace as the heroine lets the reader indulge in fantasy as well. My only complaint? Having to wait until the Fall to read the last book in the trilogy, Skin.
Some random notes:
I love this woman's job. Doing research and sending off reports on what she finds? This is a dream job for me.
And yes, I did google Romain Duris to see what the fuss was about.
Bottom line:
If you like erotica, you really need to read this series. It's fresh, sexy, flirty fun. Despite my best intentions, I couldn't draw the book out - I had to read it as fast I could so I could know what happened. It's already on my re-read shelf. I definitely recommend it!
For fans of erotica, exhibitionism/voyeurism, cyber-sex, sexy daydreams, French men.
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