First up today is this lovely tour stop for Lindsay McKenna's Nowhere to Hide. This is the first book in her Delos series, published by Blue Turtle Publishing. This is a romantic suspense novel that ties back into some of McKenna's previous series, so if you're a fan already, you're in for a real treat!
Check out the other stops on the tour at Tasty Book Tours.

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The Book
Lia Cassidy left the Army scarred physically and
emotionally after a vicious attack by two fellow soldiers. She turns to helping
others, working at a Delos Home School Charity in Costa Rica that provides
schooling for children. But when the deadly drug lord, La Arana, attacks the
school, Lia finds herself on the run for her life. The only person she can
trust is the ex-SEAL sent to protect her.
Cav Jordan is strong, honorable and gorgeous…and
intrigued by Lia. He knows she has suffered pain in her past, and he is
determined to break through her barriers and earn her trust. But as Cav slowly
chips away at the walls Lia has built, ghosts from her past threaten to destroy
their fragile relationship.
Nowhere to Hide is available October 13th!
Amazon | B&N
| iTunes | Kobo | Goodreads
Cav was definitely the lesser of two evils. In fact, in her heart she knew he was the opposite of evil. Not only was he being paid to shield her and put his life on the line for her, he had also looked at her this morning with real caring and tenderness. It had surprised her, and his mouth, usually thinned, was more relaxed.
He was just too good-looking, Lia decided with a sigh, feeling the coffee working its magic on her drowsy brain. He had changed into a dark green polo shirt that stretched across his powerful shoulders and chest. Today, he wore jeans instead of chinos, and they hugged his lower body in the most delicious way.
Lia shook her head and reminded herself again that men were turned off by how she looked. Just because she pined for a genuine relationship didn’t mean she’d ever get one, so she had to stop fantasizing about it.
Now, she was sure he’d seen the scars on both her arms. What a mess. She was afraid that Cav had found her pitiful to look at, thus the softness in his look was probably pity.
For Lia, it was one more load to carry. And she didn’t want Cav asking her how she’d gotten those scars, either. Would he? A chill came over her as she considered it, never wanting to go there.
She’d tried it once and gotten rebuffed. There wouldn’t be a second time. Right now, she felt too fragile emotionally to handle Cav if he rejected her, too. What must he think having to guard her now that he’d seen more of her scars?
Finishing the coffee, Lia felt as if she’d been given a momentary reprieve from the hard fourteen-hour days she knew were ahead of her. Warmth flowed through her as she stood up and pulled on her seersucker robe. It fell to the tops of her ankles and would hide her body, should Cav still be out there. She had to get to the bathroom to get a shower and hoped he wasn’t in the kitchen. Slowly, she opened the door.
She was greeted by the scent of bacon frying, and she tightened the sash around her waist, her curiosity piqued. She’d had no bacon in her fridge, so where had it come from? As she walked down the short hall, she stood uncertainly at the edge of the kitchen. Cav was standing over the stove, working two skillets. One had bacon frying in it, and the other held cut-up potatoes.
Cav twisted a look in her direction. “Interested in breakfast?”
“It sure smells good,” Lia admitted, drawing closer. She made sure the collar of her robe was up to hide her throat. “I didn’t know you could cook.”
He gave her a modest smile, flipping some of the frying potatoes with a spatula. “I learned to either cook, or starve. I’m no chef, but I do think I make a pretty mean breakfast.” He gestured to a small bag of potatoes sitting on the counter. “I figured since Dilara was letting you rest up this morning, the least I could do was spoil you with my limited skills and make you breakfast.”
All her fear dissolved when she saw him drop the game face he usually wore. Her heart flew open and she was left without words, because that same flame of tenderness was in his glance towards her. Gripping the collar of her robe, she whispered, “That’s really nice of you...”
“Why don’t you have a shower?” He pointed to the coffee pot. “Grab yourself a second cup, and take your time because you actually have some this morning. How do you like your eggs?”
She came and stood near the counter, watching him cook. “Where on earth did you get the bacon?”
“I had one of the security guys bring it to me earlier.”
“Oh...” She licked her lips and said, “I like hard scrambled eggs. Can you make them that way?”
“I’ll try.” He cut her a boyish grin. “Like I said, I’m pretty limited when it comes to cooking, but I’ll do my best.”
Cav looked clean-shaven, his hair still damp from an early shower. He looked good in her small kitchen, the breadth of his shoulders reminding her of his underlying power as a security contractor. Although she saw no weapons around, and he wasn’t wearing his jacket, she knew they must be nearby.
It was nice not to see them out; it only reminded Lia of the fragile peace that hovered over the area. She was perfectly aware that Medina had a hit out on her and that it was only a matter of time before...
Managing to give Cav a warm look, she murmured, “I’ll be out in a little bit. Thanks...” Cav said nothing as she hurried for the bathroom down the hall. He was sorry that she felt she had to grip that collar around her throat to hide her scar. As he took the potatoes off the burner, he heard the door to the bathroom quietly close.
Every cell in his body was in protection mode where Lia was concerned. After her sleepwalking incident, he’d barely slept; shocked at the number of scars he’d seen on her body.
She didn’t seem to realize she’d had a sleepwalking episode, which didn’t surprise Cav. The shadows beneath her eyes last night were gone this morning. If anything, Lia looked well rested, and for that, he was grateful.
About the Author

McKenna lives her
life as a risk taker, and it shines through the books she loves to write:
romance, adventure and suspense. She started writing at age thirteen and
continues to hone her writing skills to this day. She sold her first romance
novel in 1981. The rest is history.
Because she went into the military,
this experience became the backbone of her writing—she is credited with writing
the first military romance novel (Captive of Fate, 1983, Silhouette Special
Edition) and has created a thriving sub-genre within the romance field! As a
New York Times Best Selling author, she has sold 23 million books and in 32
foreign languages in her career thus far. Her many experiences in the U.S. Navy
are backdrop for her understanding of the military in general, and also her
very successful Morgan’s Mercenaries, which is an ongoing series in Silhouette
to this day! Forty-five books strong!
Lindsay has gone Indie in 2015 and
has created a new family saga on par with Morgan’s Mercenaries It is known as
the DELOS SERIES. There will be paperback and eBooks created under Blue Turtle
Publishing, her company for her fans. Readers who love Morgan and his family
are bound to fall in love with the Culver family. Delos is romantic suspense,
which Lindsay is well known for. It took her five years to create and bring
DELOS to her readers. It was worth the wait, but we’ll let you decide that.
Lindsay loves to hear from her
readers and loves to know what they’d like to see her write next. Stay up with
the latest on the Delos Series here. Please visit her Web site at And be sure to sign up for her free quarterly
newsletter. It contains exclusive content found nowhere else on the Net. Plus,
giveaways and other surprises, to her loyal and faithful subscribers!
Hi all you lovely readers!
ReplyDeleteIt’s so great to meet all of you here at this wonderful blog website! I sincerely hope you enjoy Delos series, Book 1, Nowhere to Hide. If you have questions? Please ask me. :-) Warmly, Lindsay McKenna
Thank you for hosting NOWHERE TO HIDE