Alexandra Ivy's Blood Assassin book tour is stopping here today with an excerpt! Blood Assassin is the second book in the Sentinels series, published by Zebra at the end of December 2014. It's an action-oriented paranormal romance that I thoroughly enjoyed!
For other stops on the tour, check out Tasty Book Tours.
The Book

are the outcasts of humanity. Blessed with power. Cursed by fate.
Driven by passion. The Sentinels have returned…
six-foot-three and two-hundred-fifty pounds, Fane is a natural born
guardian. A flawless mix of muscled perfection and steely precision,
he has devoted years of his life to protecting a beautiful
necromancer. But after she found love in the arms of another, Fane
has been a warrior adrift. He swears allegiance only to the
Sentinels. And no woman will ever rule his heart again…
only a powerful psychic, Serra is that rare telepath who can connect
to minds through objects. When the daughter of a high-blood
businessman is kidnapped, Serra agrees to help. But when she stumbles
onto a conspiracy involving secrets sects and ancient relics, her
life is in mortal danger—and Fane is her only hope. Is the warrior
willing to risk his body, his soul, and his heart, for Serra? Or will
one last betrayal destroy them both?
Blood Assassin is available from Zebra now!
Fane tried to dismiss the problem from his mind. Soon enough he
would be in the seclusion of the monastery and the dangers of the
world would no longer be his concern. Right? “It sounds like you
have it covered. I’ll send you more warriors when they’ve
completed their training.”
Fane...” Wolfe bit off his words as the atmosphere in the gym
abruptly changed.
men turned to discover what had happened.
rather...who...had happened.
Fane breathed, a familiar ache settling in the center of his chest at
the sight of the beautiful female who sashayed into the room.
Vetrov had the habit of changing the atmosphere in rooms since she’d
left the nursery.
he’d seen men walk into walls and cars drive off the road when she
strolled past.
elegantly tall woman with long, glossy black hair that contrasted
with her pale, ivory skin, she had lush curves that she emphasized
with her tight leather pants and matching vest that was cut to reveal
a jaw-dropping amount of her generous breasts.
features were delicately carved. Her pale green eyes were thickly
lashed, her nose narrow and her lips so sensually full they gave the
impression of a sex kitten.
anyone foolish enough to underestimate her, was in for an unpleasant
was not only a powerful psychic, but she was a rare telepath who
could use objects to connect with the mind of the owner. Over the
years, she’d used her talents more than once to find missing
children or to track down violent offenders.
the darker side, she could also use her skills to force humans, and
those high-bloods without mental shields, to see illusions and could
even implant memories in the more vulnerable minds.
it wasn’t her dangerous powers that made grown men scramble out of
her path. Serra had a tongue that could flay at a hundred yards and
she wasn’t afraid to use it.
sent Fane a mocking smile. “It appears I’m not the only one who
listens to the grapevine. Good luck, amigo.”
he strolled toward the cluster of Sentinels who were watching Serra
cross the gym like a pack of starving hounds.
kept her head held high and a smile pinned to her lips as she marched
past the gaping men. She was female enough to appreciate being
noticed by the opposite sex. Why not? But today she barely noticed
the audible groans as she took a direct path toward her prey.
felt a tiny surge of amusement as the thought of Fane being anyone’s
massive warrior was two hundred fifty pounds of pure muscle and raw
male power. He was also one of the rare few who was completely
impervious to her ability to poke around in his mind.
was a blessing and a curse.
blessing because it was impossible for a psychic to completely block
out an intimate partner, which was a distraction that would make any
lover cringe. There was nothing quite so demeaning as being in the
middle of sex and realize your partner was picturing Angelina Jolie.
a curse because Fane was about as chatty as a rock. His feelings
were locked down so tight Serra feared that someday they would
not in a good way.
maybe it would be good, she silently told herself, gliding to a halt
directly in front of his half-naked form.
weren’t many things worse than watching all emotions being stripped
away as you approached the man you’d loved for the past two
when she was a seething mass of emotions.
wanted to grab his beautiful face in her hands and kiss him until he
melted into a puddle of goo. No. She wanted to kick him in the nuts
for being such a prick.
she’d kick him and then kiss it better.
make matters worse she was on a lust-driven adrenalin high.
standing next to his half-naked body coated in sweat made her heart
pump and her mouth dry.
She was so fucking pathetic.
that her companion wasn’t going to break the awkward silence, she
tilted her chin up another notch.
higher and she was going to be staring at the ceiling.
she purred softly.
dark gaze remained focused on her face, resisting any temptation to
glance at her skimpy vest. Of course, if it hadn’t been for the
rare times she’d caught him casting covert glances at her body, she
might suspect he hadn’t yet realized she was a woman.
the way to the gym she’d practiced what she was going to say. She
was going to be cool. Composed. And in complete control.
the fear lodged in the pit of her belly made her strike out like a
petulant child.
gave a slow dip of his head. “I’m returning to Tibet.”
fear began to spread through her body, her hands clenching at her
sides. “Did you ever intend to tell me?”
she snapped. “On your way out the door?”
it matter?”
yeah. He was definitely getting kicked in the nuts.
it damned well matters.”
remained stoic. Unmoved by her anger. “What do you want from me?”
lowered her voice. It wasn’t that she gave a shit that they had an
audience. Living in Valhalla meant that privacy was a rare
commodity. But she had some pride, dammit. She didn’t want them
to hear her beg.
know what I want.”
flared through the dark eyes. Something that sliced through her
heart like a dagger.
impossible,” he rasped. “I’ll always care for you, Serra, but
not in the way you need.”
should walk away.
what any woman with an ounce of sense would do.
when had she claimed any sense when it came to this man?
she stepped forward, bringing them nose to nose. Well, they would be
nose to nose if he didn’t have six inches on her.
frowned, the heat from his body brushing over her bare skin like a
caress. Serra shuddered. Oh god. She’d wanted him for so long.
was like a sickness.
Sentinel doesn’t lie.”
snorted at the ridiculous claim. “Maybe not, but you can twist the
truth until it screams. And the truth is that you’ve always used
your duty to Callie as a shield between us.”
fists landed on his hips, his eyes narrowing at her accusation. “My
duty was more than a shield.”
He had a point.
bond with Callie had been very real.
that didn’t mean he hadn’t hidden behind his obligation as a
She held his gaze. “And now that duty is done.”
was shaking his head before she finished speaking. “My duty to
Callie is done, but my duty to the Sentinels remains.”
clenched teeth. It was true most Sentinels never married. But it
wasn’t against any rules.
had just returned to Valhalla with a wife who promised to be a
valuable healer, and Callie had recently married Duncan who’d
recently become a Sentinel.
might demand compromise and sacrifice on both sides, but it could be
why was Fane so unwilling to even give it a try?
assume that’s going to be your new excuse?” she forced between
gritted teeth.
warning his expression softened and his fingers lightly brushed down
her bare arm.
I don’t need an excuse,” he said, the hint of regret in his eyes
more alarming than his previous remoteness. She was used to him
pretending to be indifferent to her. Now it felt like...goodbye.
Shit. “I’ve never made promises I can’t keep,” he continued,
his tone soft. “In fact, I’ve been very clear that you should
find a man who can give you the happiness you deserve.”
one weak, tragic moment she allowed herself to savor the brief touch
of his fingers. Then her pride came galloping to her rescue and she
was jerking away with a brittle smile.
would endure anything but his pity.
generous of you.”
grimaced at her sarcastic tone. “I know you don’t believe me,
but all I’ve ever wanted was your happiness.”
you assume I’ll find it in the arms of another man?” She went
straight for the jugular.
hesitation was so fleeting she might have imagined it. “Yes.”
leaned forward, infuriated by her inability to read his mind.
Dammit. Just when she needed her talents the most she was flying
this how humans felt?
maddening helplessness?
won’t bother you at all to know that I belong to another?”
will be...” He took a beat to find the right word. “Content.”
My Review
Alessandra Ivy's Blood Assassin gives us a power couple in Fane and Serra. This book is right in my wheelhouse - paranormal romance with plenty of urban fantasy elements. The romance between Fane and Serra is a really significant component of the book, but they're united through an investigation, and we have a couple of other viewpoint characters so it felt very much on the border between paranormal romance and urban fantasy to me.
Blood Assassin has the familiar paranormal romance motif of the guild of 'more than' humans (called high-bloods), providing both hero and heroine in this novel. The twist, which I really appreciated, is that this guild isn't fighting to protect humanity from great evils but instead has banded together to seek peace with humanity. Norms, as regular humans are called, often fear high-bloods and so the guild in this book series is more about creating a united front to promote peace between norms and high-bloods.
Now, I was new to the Sentinels series when I started reading Blood Assassin and that definitely put me at a disadvantage. There's an infodump before the book starts explaining who the Sentinels are, and then I felt that there was more within the novel itself to get me up to speed. My eyes definitely glazed over a bit at these. I really liked this world, I just wish that I learned about it in a more organic manner.
Despite that, I really enjoyed Blood Assassin. The couple - Serra and Fane - were very endearing. Fane's habitual rejection of Serra over the years takes an obvious toll on her ability to trust him. I enjoyed how that played out as he found himself forced to work for her affections for the first time.
I really appreciated that Fane and Serra were both at the top of their respective fields. Fane's extreme physicality really needed the balance that Serra's psychic talents provided. If Serra hadn't had her own realm of expertise, I think the partnership would have been really uneven - it would have been harder for her to stand up to him and that was a really critical component of their relationship.
The relationship develops during the investigation of a kidnapping. I really enjoyed the circumstances around the investigation, which elevated the stakes above and beyond. Blood Assassin is steeped in tension, and I loved that. The story really grabbed me and kept me flipping pages long after I should have gone to bed.
Blood Assassin features some excellent secondary characters, including the businessman referred to in the blurb - the morally ambiguous Bas. I'd like to find out what happens next for him. I also enjoyed Wolfe and Lana, two leaders of the high-bloods. I was so invested in Fane and Serra that while I was reading, I often wanted to skim through these other point-of-view characters' sections to get back to the main romance. I felt like I was really shortchanging these characters because they *were* excellent and I do want to read more of them. Just, you know, in their own books.
Blood Assassin has the familiar paranormal romance motif of the guild of 'more than' humans (called high-bloods), providing both hero and heroine in this novel. The twist, which I really appreciated, is that this guild isn't fighting to protect humanity from great evils but instead has banded together to seek peace with humanity. Norms, as regular humans are called, often fear high-bloods and so the guild in this book series is more about creating a united front to promote peace between norms and high-bloods.
Now, I was new to the Sentinels series when I started reading Blood Assassin and that definitely put me at a disadvantage. There's an infodump before the book starts explaining who the Sentinels are, and then I felt that there was more within the novel itself to get me up to speed. My eyes definitely glazed over a bit at these. I really liked this world, I just wish that I learned about it in a more organic manner.
Despite that, I really enjoyed Blood Assassin. The couple - Serra and Fane - were very endearing. Fane's habitual rejection of Serra over the years takes an obvious toll on her ability to trust him. I enjoyed how that played out as he found himself forced to work for her affections for the first time.
I really appreciated that Fane and Serra were both at the top of their respective fields. Fane's extreme physicality really needed the balance that Serra's psychic talents provided. If Serra hadn't had her own realm of expertise, I think the partnership would have been really uneven - it would have been harder for her to stand up to him and that was a really critical component of their relationship.
The relationship develops during the investigation of a kidnapping. I really enjoyed the circumstances around the investigation, which elevated the stakes above and beyond. Blood Assassin is steeped in tension, and I loved that. The story really grabbed me and kept me flipping pages long after I should have gone to bed.
Blood Assassin features some excellent secondary characters, including the businessman referred to in the blurb - the morally ambiguous Bas. I'd like to find out what happens next for him. I also enjoyed Wolfe and Lana, two leaders of the high-bloods. I was so invested in Fane and Serra that while I was reading, I often wanted to skim through these other point-of-view characters' sections to get back to the main romance. I felt like I was really shortchanging these characters because they *were* excellent and I do want to read more of them. Just, you know, in their own books.
I happily recommend Blood Assassin to fans of paranormal romance or even urban fantasy. I found enough new material here to really keep me engaged and I really liked Fane and Serra. I'll be back for the next book in the series.
4.5 stars
For fans of paranormal romance, urban fantasy, romantic suspense
About the Author
IVY graduated from Truman University with a degree in theatre before
deciding she preferred to bring her characters to life on paper
rather than stage. She currently lives in Missouri with her
extraordinarily patient husband and teenage sons. To stay updated on
Alexandra’s Guardian series or to chat with other readers, please
visit her website at
Thank you for taking the time to host BLOOD ASSASSIN!