Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday - March 4, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme from The Broke and the Bookish in which they post a book-related top ten every - you guessed it! - Tuesday.

This week the theme is Top Ten Popular Authors I Haven't Read.

This list was hard for me because I tend to try to read authors that I hear about as being popular on the chance that means I'll love them too. But occasionally I either skip past someone or they end up languishing on my TBR pile. 

Here's the first five I could think of:

1. JK Rowling.  I know, right?

2. Marissa Meyer - I've bought Cinder but having it languish on the shelf doesn't count does it?

3. Cassandra Clare - again, I have City of Bones and the next three books on my TBR but I haven't cracked them open yet.

4. Veronica Roth - Guess what? Yes, yes I have the Divergent series too. Unread.

5. Lilith Saintcrow  - She seems like an urban fantasy author I should have read.

6. John Green - His stuff seems sad. Good, but sad. And it's really hard to convince myself to sit down with a book that I know is going to make me cry.

I'll be hunting through other people's lists to fill out my top ten! 


  1. I love John Green stuff. The Fault in Our Stars is insanely good, and I adore it.

    1. I've heard good things. I just... can't quite make myself do it.

  2. I haven't read a single Harry Potter novel, so don't feel too bad. Cinder is a great book, though, so I hope you make time for it. I'm reading Scarlet with my girls right now.

    Hope you'll visit me at http://thebookconnectionccm.blogspot.com/2014/03/top-ten-tuesday-top-ten-popular-authors.html

    1. Glad to hear there's another person out there who hasn't read Potter. :) I imagine I'll get to it when my kids are the right age, but I never felt compelled personally. Checking out your top ten!

  3. This is such a great list! I haven't read Lillith Saintcrow, either! I don't even know her stuff :( And while I love Vlog Bros and admire the heck out John Green, I can't bring myself to read his stuff for the same reasons as you!!! Everyone keeps telling me how horribly sad they were when they were reading the books. I get sad when I see a dead animal on the road. Nope, I just shouldn't go there!

    And Rowling - nope, I only read the first book. Clare, I read the first book and own like all the rest, too. Still haven't gotten to them!

    Why do we do that to ourselves?!?!?!? Too funny!!

  4. I read the first Harry Potter but never went on . . . I just don't really get into that genre.
    I'd truly thought that I was one of the last folks around who hadn't read any John Green until I started looking a other people's lists today!

  5. So many good ones! I love Harry Potter and The Lunar Chronicles!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  6. I got peer pressured into reading Cinder. I am quite glad that I did! :)

  7. I can't believe you haven't read Rowling. My world is changed.

    I remembering reading a Saintcrow that I liked so much I bought another one by her, which I have never read because it was ugh. I can't remember which one it was that I liked though, so I guess that doesn't say too much for it.
